Not Bad
>> Tuesday, April 28, 2009 –
Life and Family
This is the view while on one of my favorite runs. Not bad, eh?

In other news, Samantha has decided that we all need pretend names. She's names herself "Broccoli the Wildcat". Daddy is now "Carrot". Thomas is "Fwobber" (Slobber). Clara is "Clara" (running out of creative juices, maybe?). And I...are you ready for "Sausage".
That's just lovely.
Maybe I should be enjoying the view a little more frequently.
PS. Mom and Dad...Megan and Tony, will you please move to Idaho already?
Oh, I LOVE your kids. Hysterical. Thanks for sharing.
Maybe you should consider an e-how article related to gardening. I know I'd read it. :)