Lots Of Linky Love

I've been finding such useful, interesting, and inspiring stuff on the web lately. I thought I'd do a quick post to pass along some of these great links to some of my favorite people (that would be YOU!). Here goes...

1. Do you blog? Protect your blog by backing it up. It's as simple as a few clicks (I just did it and it took me literally about a minute and a half). Jen at Blue Yonder Design describes how to do it here. By the way - Jen is my wonderful designer who helped me with this blog's design and my new Photography website. She's just the best. If you're looking to have design work done (blog, button, logo, website, etc.), she's your gal!

2. If you want a more tangible backup (and have some money to spend on it), you could turn your blog into a book. I've been looking at doing this at Blurb.com. Here's where you can learn about it.

3. One of the very first blogs I ever read (and continue to read faithfully) is Like Merchant Ships. Although I've never met Meredith in person, I feel like she's a friend. Her blog has a simple peace about it. I'm always inspired when I read her stuff. She recently ran a post about a change in the laws dealing with children's clothes and toys. I could hardly believe my eyes! What would we (will we?) do without thrift store toys and clothes? Go read her article here, and tell her I say hi ;)

4. If you read this blog, you already know that Becky is a dear friend of mine. Well...she's been holding out on us all. Yes, she writes a personal blog. BUT she also writes a weekly devotional blog for our church's women's ministry. It's a treasure. Go see it...and bring an extra pair of socks because the ones you have on now? They're about to get knocked off! (By the way...leave her a comment to let her know you've been there. It's just the nice thing to do!)

5. Looking to become a better photographer? I found a great list of articles here. My favorite though, is this one.

6. Reader's Digest is giving away $30,000 to someone with just the right joke or funny story. Click on over and get signed up. If I win, I'm totally going to buy one of these beauties...with a wireless keyboard, mouse, new software, and this amazing screen. In the mean time, I'm taking cash donations. You can easily donate to my cause by simply clicking "send money" at PayPal. I'm kidding. Sort of. Not really. Oh...I really am kidding!

Sort of.

nomore  – (1/07/2009 11:34:00 AM)  

Thanks for sharing the tips! my blog just crashed and PTL I got it back up! I am going to do some major backing up from now on!

I absolutely loved your post previous to this one!

God bless,
ps- I added your button to my scroll bar that says: Scroll blogs that Inspire :O)

Anonymous –   – (1/08/2009 02:58:00 PM)  

I really like your blog. Thank you for sharing.

Becky Avella  – (1/09/2009 08:39:00 AM)  

I'm blushing. Thank you so much for the endorsement and love.

: )

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