Fix it Friday
>> Friday, March 12, 2010 –
Fix It Friday
UPDATE: Sorry for re-posting, just couldn't resist cleaning it up a bit more and adding a texture. My final edit is at the very bottom.
I haven't participated in I ♥ Faces in a while, and this one looked fun :-)

This one was a bit trickier than I expected. This little sweet-pea has fair skin and red lips (in the pic, at least) - if not adjusted just right, she has a tendency to look a little....creepy ;-)

After cropping to an 8x10 and adjusting the lighting in Lightroom:

In PS Elements, I got rid of some stray hairs and a distracting white section in the middle of the green. If I had more time, I'd even out the whole background and maybe add some texture.

Before and after:

Final Fix:

I love Fix it Fridays. You should have your blog readers send you pictures to fix. I've got some. : )