Little Buddies

The first year or so after Clara was born was really tough.  Ben was only 13 1/2 months old when Clara was born - still a baby himself.  

But look at them now!  They're the best of friends, always chatting and playing and pretending (and nearly strangling each other several times a day).  I wouldn't change a thing.   I love knowing that when I'm gone on to a better place, that my kids will have each other.

Becky Avella  – (7/08/2009 10:30:00 PM)  
This comment has been removed by the author.
Becky Avella  – (7/08/2009 10:32:00 PM)  

Oops... I deleted my last comment because I used your last name and wasn't sure how you'd feel about that. Here's what the edited version says:

My brother and I had that kind of relationship. I miss him.

I feel the same way about my girls. I thought I knew the perfect formula for their ages and it turned out completely different than I could have planned, but I wouldn't change a thing.

My girls sure miss your kids. They ask me hourly, "Am I well enough to play with Ben and Clara yet?" : )

Craig and Bethany  – (7/09/2009 12:10:00 AM)  

Me too! My brothers are still some of my best friends, now their wives too.

Oh, and what a striking photo of the two of them. So glad you're back!

Tracy  – (7/09/2009 06:08:00 AM)  

My big brother and I are also 13 1/2 months apart. We were always the best of buddies growing up. I was often found runnng around the yard with him with no shirt, long stringy hair, wanting to be like him (with no shirt that is!). Distance and having families of our own has change our relationship, but that special love and bond still remain.

This is a beautiful pictures of your little ones. You are blessed, for sure!

Amy Krupinski  – (7/09/2009 11:55:00 AM)  

I am the 2nd oldest of nine and most of us are 18 - 24 months apart. And most of us are best friends with the one closest to us in age.
I have 5 sisters and 3 of them are my very best friends. The other 2 are still a big young.

We used to fight like cats & dogs, but it all changes in the end!

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