Clara Is 6!
>> Sunday, February 8, 2009 –
Life and Family
Six years ago today I was holding my brand new baby girl by the light of the sunrise peeking through our hospital window.
She had been born yesterday. We weren't really expecting her yet, but when I went for my checkup my doctor said "I hope your bag is in your car because you're at 4 cm and I'm sending you to the hospital NOW." Well, surprise to us!
We got checked into the hospital, broke my water, and before we knew it I was off and screaming "EPIDURAL!!" I had done the natural childbirth thing with my first delivery, and let's just say I was ready for trying something different (besides, I had grabbed hubby by the front of his shirt and growled "don't ever let me do that again" after that first experience, so he was persistent about the epidural this time).
Clara was just moments away from coming into the world, when the doctor looked at my husband and said, "Would you like to deliver your daughter?" Luke looked at her in shock, then he looked at me "Go for it" I said (happy and content as could be with those wonderful drugs on board). Luke gowned and gloved up, and got ready to welcome his baby girl.
His were the first hands to touch her as she arrived. He held her, he guided her, he cut the cord, and he handed her screaming (and extremely pissed off) little body to me. It was an amazing moment...the love of my life looking at me with wonder in his eyes as he handed our daughter to me. Wow.
Clara was born...feisty. I love that about her. But it's a bit scary too.
That first night, I was asleep in my room. I always like to have my babies sleep in the nurse-supervised baby nursery their first night for fear that they'll stop breathing or something and I won't be able to help them. They're just so fragile and little! So Clara was in the nursery, and I was sleeping soundly in my room.
And then, from the recesses of my deep-dreaming-finally-done-with-heartburn-and-having-to-pee-every 2-hours sweet sleep, I heard the sound of a crying baby.
"Someone's baby is angry", I thought.
The screaming got louder.
"Wow, someone's baby is sure upset", is the thought that went through my head even through my eyes were still closed and the dreams were still vivid.
It got even louder.
"Come on. I'm trying to sleep here. That baby has one heck of a scream. Hope he/she's okay."
And suddenly...that glass-cracking was in my room. Oh my, that's MY baby!
The nurse had an exhausted and weary look about her as she announced rather shortly, "This baby is hungry. There's no comforting her. I know she ate fairly recently, but there's no consoling her. She has to be hungry." And she left me with...that very angry baby. How could she?!
I picked up my little girl and cooed to her. I patted her back as I adjusted pillows to prepare to nurse. She settled in to nurse with a contented sigh. Ahh, my first victory as her mama - I could comfort her when no one else could.
We nursed and snuggled and slept the rest of the night in my hospital bed. The sun woke us up as it rose over the mountains outside our window. It peeked up over the snow-covered peak, and shone right in Clara's face. I was already awake watching her sleep, so I saw her little nose scrunch up and her head turn in protest to her sleep being disturbed. She turned toward me, and opened her eyes. She seemed to look right at me.
"Hi there, my sweet Clara Rose. How are you this morning? I'm your mommy, and I love you very much."
She looked at me - she seemed to study my face. And then, as if she heard and understood and believed me, she settled back into contented sleep.
My baby girl. My Clara. I love you, my sweet. You bring me such joy, and I'm very proud of you. Happy Birthday. Love, Mommy
Clara wanted a "bunny" party this year, so a bunny is what she got!

She loved her cake :)

Ben and Sammy were so excited to give Clara their carefully selected presents. I love how my kids love each other. I was especially proud of Ben this year. He's generally pretty tight cautious with his money, but this year he insisted that something from the dollar store would not do. He spent $5 on a gift for his sister!

Yaya came to celebrate with us. It's always such a special treat to have her and Papa visit (we missed you this trip Papa) :)

Hubby and I got her a new bike - she loved it :)

Too precious...loved the bunny theme.
beautiful pictures. I love the one where she is getting on the bike with her cowboy boots on. and the bunny hats on all the kids is priceless...happy birthday little "big" girl!
Let me just say i love love the purple bike, Happy Birthday Clara...sounds like she is quite the young lady