She Said What? When?!?!
>> Monday, July 28, 2008 –
I hosted a baby shower for my dear friend, Becky, this past weekend. If anyone deserves a fun celebration of pregnancy and all things baby, it's her. You'll have to go see her blog to read her story of love and loss and trust and faith.
She's expecting a son...a SON(!) just a couple of weeks. Isn't she a beautiful pregnant woman?
Normally, I'd throw an absolute tizzy over trying to plan a party. And okay, I admit, I did do some tizzy-ing a couple of days before the party. But then I started praying and just thinking about Becky and how much I love her and how much I wanted to do something special for her. When I stopped focusing so much on fears...It became a lot more fun to plan!

I was going to use my china for the party, but didn't have enough to go around (don't have a setting for 16!). But I did have plenty to use it just for coffee. It was so fun digging it out of the hutch. I just love the delicate look, feel, and sound of nice china.

I think Becky thought I was being a little stand-offish the week before the party. Because I was! I was busy trying to make this quilt for her:
I had fun with these flowers. They're just simple carnations...but I thought they looked so pretty in these little canning jars tied with "It's a boy!" ribbon.

Oh man, were we ever splitting a rib!
While Becky opened her gifts, I had a friend writing down what Becky said (think "Oh, I love this!" and "Oh, WOW! Thank you!!" and "Look, it's so soft and cute!"). Becky, of course, had no idea what what going on.
And then before we moved on to decorating t-shirts, I stood and said something like,
"There's an old wives tale that says that the expressions an expectant mom utters while she opens her shower gifts are the same expressions that she exclaimed while the baby was being conceived! Becky, would you please read this list?"
Like I said...very (VERY) funny! I gave her a disk with the video...go see her blog to see if she posted it yet :) Tell her I sent ya!
Oh my gosh Daiquiri... I had so much fun reading this entry. Loved how you started realizing this was about your friend and not your party. I think God probably had a hand in that.
The pictures were fab and the T-shirt idea is so cute, you are right the carnations were pretty. I don't typically like carnations because they don't seem special... but you made them beautiful. Something else God probably had a hand in.
My cousin just found out she is having a girl after 10 years of trying to get pregnant and IVF, etc. I am so incredibly happy for her and your friend made me think of my cousin Jina. I haven't read your friend's blog so I don't know the situation, but your excitement for her made me think of my excitement for Jina. They are about the enter the world of motherhood and see what great things God has in store for them.
It was great fun reading your blog today. Thanks!
*sigh* That's so cool - I love baby showers, I still remember the one I had thrown for me when I was having my daughter, brings back memories...
you sure know how to throw a party!
I agree with Shelle...
You SURE DO know how to throw a party. I know I've said it over and over again, but I have to say it again, "THANK YOU!"
It's impossible to say how much the day meant to me and how special it all was.
AND I did get the video posted on my blog. You'll have to stop by and see.
Love you!
What a great friend you are and a blessing to Becky. I love the rag quilt. A friend made one for my Grace, when she was born. It is our favorite!
Hey! A game I hadn't heard of before...the "sounds" one. That was pretty funny. I like a little human humor thrown into a rather "so sweet" environment. Girls got spunk!
Daiquiri -
I can't put into words how much I appreciate you loving my sister as you do. It makes me tear up thinking about how much you mean to her and how you are such a great friend. I thank the Lord for you and your friendship with her and how you have stood by her through such tradgedy and how you will be able to celebrate with her with so much joy when Benjamin is born! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Daiquiri, I ditto everything Ben said and I want to thank you again for the great party. Laughter is such good medicine. I am also envious of Becky having such a good friend. Whenever I get a new neighbor I am hoping that this one will be my Daiauiri. No such luck so far. What you and Becky have is too special. Sally