A Pizza Picnic: It Works For Me!
>> Tuesday, January 22, 2008 –
Frugal Ideas,
Quick Tips

We are a busy family with 4 small children. It's TOUGH to enjoy a dinner at a restaurant with all of our little munchkins these days (you relate, I know you do!). This idea is a great way to enjoy a special meal with the whole family while saving some money (and sanity) too.
We call it a "Pizza Picnic" around here. I pop a frozen pizza into the oven, and the kids race to the drawer that contains our vinyl "picnic blanket" (table cloth). They spread it on the floor in the living room and take their places. When the pizza is done, I put pieces on paper plates and fill up plastic straw cups with lids for the kiddos. They think it's such a wonderful adventure to have a pizza picnic.
And we grownups think it's great to have such fun without spending a lot of money or leaving the house! Give it a try!
Thanks so much for stopping by! For lots of other great tips and ideas, go visit Shannon at Rocks In My Dryer.
We do this too, it's great! We haven't tried pizza yet but have done nachos and "snack" dinner. Snack dinner is on sunday nights when we don't feel like cooking. So we just put together a big plate of cheese, lunchmeat, crackers, maybe tuna fish, apple slices and a BIG bowl of popcorn. It goes down real nice!
Welcome to WFMW. This is a great idea! Thanks for sharing.
That is awesome and your kids will have such great memories of childhood fun too.
I so looove your blog! My mom use to do the whole pizza picnic thing with my siblings and I when we were kids! Thanks! Guess what the boys and I will be doing this week?! Yikes! Gotta find a "picnic blanket"!
Always enjoy the photos of your children, they just look so happy and adorable! And do they ever look like their mommy and daddy!
We do this at our house, but we call it a Pajama Pizza Party. We all get into our pajamas and eat pizza while laying on a blanket in the living room. The bonus is that the kids are already dressed for bed, but they don't even realize it!
Thanks for sharing your fun idea and welcome to WFMW!
We do this for lunches sometimes - not usually pizza - it helps the same old lunch foods seem more exciting! :) Thanks for the tip!
We do this too! My kids LOVE it. I've also found that it's great to do this when we have company over for dinner. We usually let the kids spread the tablecloth out on the floor and have their own picnic while the grown-ups sit around the table.
Looks like a wonderful time! Kids like the out of the ordinary, this is a good example of the fact that it doesn't have to be costly.
Great idea. We do this on movie night, but I love the picnic style tablecloth.