Summer Time & The Livin' Is Easy

Here's "Summertime" by Ella Fitzgerald...a classic! This song will forever be etched in my memory as a song my Daddy sang. I couldn't even count the times he whistled, hummed, or sang this song as I was growing up. Dad has a beautiful voice. play on the video, and then scroll down to see some fun summertime pictures while you listen to the sweet song :)

We had a daydream kind of summer day a few days ago. It was about 87 degrees, with a little breeze. Perfect for playing in the sun and water for the kids, and perfect for sitting in the shade for us moms.

It was the kind of day I fantasized about when I thought "I want to be a stay at home mom some day"...easy, relaxed, peaceful, fun. A little bit of Heaven on earth.

The kids romped around in the pool, sun, and mud puddles while us moms sat and chatted several hours away. We munched on carrots and pita chips dipped in hummus and fresh salsa. We sipped raspberry tea. I never wanted my friends to leave! Just think, in Heaven some day, we'll be able to visit and munch and just bask in never ending sunshine (or should I say son-shine?) forever and ever. Amen!

(BTW, is it coincidence that the one thing in our entire universe that brings light and life to this world of ours is called a "sun", pronounced just like "Son"? Interesting...)

I had some fun teasing one of my friends' girls. She came down to our house before I'd had a chance to get the hose going. I was bustling around cleaning up dog poop, gathering toys, brushing off the table, etc. She went and sat in the dry kiddie pool I had sitting out in the grass, and she said, "Hey! Where's the water?!" I said, "Listen, I promised a pool party, not a water party. There's your pool - have fun!" I thought it would be obvious that I was kidding, but she looked at me in horror and burst into tears! I wish I could say I felt badly, but it was too funny for me to regret teasing her :)

Of course, I couldn't let the perfect afternoon slip by without getting a few fun pictures.

Here they are getting the pool filled:

They like to run down the hill screaming "Cannon Baaaaal!", and then jump into the pool. Here's Sammy doing her little 2 year old version:

Uh oh, the candid shots are over. She's spied me taking her picture, and she's feeling silly.

Can I just take this moment to tell you that our kids get an embarrassing amount of song and dance from me every single day. I never thought I'd be such a goof-ball mom, but I am. I make a song and goofy dance out of everything. Our poor kids. Are they going to be singing "Pee Pee On The Potty" and "Macaroni, Macaroni, Macaroni Cheese Please" in their little heads for the rest of their lives?

So I guess it's shouldn't be a surprise that when she's feeling silly, she decides to bust a move. Here she is, revving up:

Oh, she's getting into the swing of things now:

Go Sammy...just don't dislocate that shoulder, girl!

This one totally cracks me up! What a little spunky punk she is! I love her so much!

Oh boy, here come the silly faces. We do quite a few silly faces around here too. I'm glad to see that I'm teaching them such valuable life skills... how to nearly rip your lips off while making a goofy face :)

And just like that, her performance is over. The water awaits. And she's off...

Why, oh why, is it not cute when my thighs have those little dimples, but on Samantha they're adorable? No fair.

I just love how she still looks like a baby. Her little baby tummy. Her little baby toes and fingers. Her little baby cheeks. I know I'll wake up one day and there will be a young lady where my baby once stood so I'm trying to soak up all her babyness now.

By the way, my friends have some pretty dang adorable kiddos too. Here's one now!

And here's one of her big sisters. I kept wishing the breeze would blow the hair OUT of her face, but when I saw the pictures I was happy it didn't. This little sweet pea is a bit timid (at least around me)...hiding behind a few wisps of hair seems to suit her.

Ahhh, summer...friends...does it get any better?

Well, actually, I think maybe it does. We got a giant slip and slide yesterday, and when Daddy comes home today we're going to set it up to go down the big hill in our back yard. Hubby and I will have to "test" it for safety before we let the kids go down...of course!

I hope you're having as much fun this summer as we are :)

Becky Avella  – (6/20/2008 10:03:00 AM)  

I'm so thankful that I got to live that little slice of heaven day with you. This summer has really been magical. And thanks a lot to you and I'm hooked on hummus. : )

BTW- Who's kid is such a drama queen that she bursts into tears because of a little teasing?! Geesh! Her poor mother. : )

Anonymous –   – (6/20/2008 02:16:00 PM)  

Ha! Becky's BTW comment had me chuckling. Thanks for hosting yet another wonderful summer afternoon!
PS. I love the way those pictures of A's girls turned out.

Anonymous –   – (6/20/2008 08:40:00 PM)  

LOL! really cute photos! Water is the best thing about summertime - a great way to cool down :-)


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